

Can dental implants be used to replace multiple lost teeth?

Implant-supported dentures San Diego

For those who have lost a tooth, dental implants are the treatment of choice. They offer the most secure tooth replacement, and help to prevent the loss of bone tissue that is otherwise common after tooth loss.

When a patient loses a tooth, they nearly always prefer a dental implant for the replacement. However, if a patient has lost many teeth or even all of the teeth, they may be uncertain about whether dental implants are an option for them. Can a dentist place...Read More

Posted on September 12, 2019 By sitemanager in

Get the Smile You Desire with Removable Partial Dentures in San Diego

Mouth restoration is the expertise of Dr. Raymond Carpenter. He is a prosthodontist skilled in treating various dental problems that arise because of decay, damage, or teeth that are missing. His goal is to utilize his additional intensive training and over three decades of practice to restore his patients’ oral health to the very best outcome. Dr. Carpenter has many techniques and treatments available to restore smiles including removable partial dentures in San Diego.

When is the use of removable...Read More
Posted on September 6, 2018 By sitemanager in

Addressing Teen Dentistry in San Diego

When your child is growing up the major issue with their dental health is “when are they going to lose their baby teeth?” Then, as they become adolescents and enter those formative teenage years, they become exposed to any number of dental issues, most of which can be prevented with good hygiene practices taught at home and through regular examinations by Dr. Ray Carpenter at Bernardo Center Dentistry.

Dr. Carpenter is a prosthodontist, which means he has specialized training and experience in...Read More

Posted on July 13, 2018 By sitemanager in

Improve Your Smile and Replace Missing Teeth in San Diego

You dread it when someone insists on taking a selfie with you. You go out of your way to be in the back row of any group photo. You avoid socializing because … well, because you are expected to smile and that’s the last thing you want to do because you have missing teeth.

As an adult, one or more missing teeth is a greater traumatic circumstance than the little girl who used to sing about wanting two front teeth for Christmas. And, no one knows more about how embarrassing or uncomfortable missing...Read More

Posted on May 11, 2018 By sitemanager in

Repairing Chipped Teeth in San Diego

We have all done it at one time or another. With that plastic sleeve of crackers that won’t open even as you obey the “Tear Here” imprint. Or with the oh-so-tight shoelace knot that your fingers can’t budge no matter how much you struggle. Yes, we have all resorted to using our teeth to resolve the problem. Most of the time we get away with it. No harm done. However, there is that one fateful occasion when, as soon as it happens, you realize you have just done damage to one or more of your teeth....Read More

Posted on April 13, 2018 By sitemanager in

Discover the Benefits of Full Mouth Restoration in San Diego

Some people hesitate to see a dentist even when they are experiencing pain or discomfort from a single cavity or other isolated issue. Still others make up any excuse they can to avoid seeking preventive oral hygiene care from a dental professional. Ignoring trouble signs in your mouth is not only unnecessary in today’s world of advanced technology, but can also put your overall health at serious risk. If you are living with one or more major dental problems that need to be addressed before their...Read More

Posted on February 26, 2018 By sitemanager in

Get Help with a Dental Bridge in San Diego

For anyone who has a missing tooth or teeth due to injury or extraction, the gap that now exists between your healthy teeth can eventually lead to problems. The teeth on either side of the open area can gradually shift out of position and may hinder chewing or can begin to cause pain and discomfort along the empty gum line. Left ignored, the symptoms will usually worsen until the person considers the advantages of getting a dental bridge in San Diego.

At Bernardo Center Dentistry, Dr. Raymond...Read More

Posted on October 21, 2017 By sitemanager in


During the many years that I have been practicing dentistry the materials, methods, and even the goals of dental treatment have changed dramatically.   I believe that what the profession of dentistry has to offer to everybody in this day and age is far superior in terms of overall health, longevity of treatment, and appearance—than it was when I first attended the University of the Pacific School of Dentistry in San Francisco, California.

Unfortunately, there are many individuals who do not...Read More

Posted on July 12, 2017 By sitemanager in

Restore Your Dental Health With Laser Dentistry In San Diego

Many people wince when they imagine going to a dentist. They do not enjoy the discomforts of drills, metal tools, and the long time sitting in the chair. With all of the new advances in dental technology, laser dentistry is a very effective and painless method of treating and preventing gum and tooth diseases. Laser dentistry can reduce gum infections, loss of teeth, and receding gum lines. If you are seeking a more enjoyable dentist visit, Dr. Raymond Carpenter can treat your dental problems with laser...Read More

Posted on June 14, 2017 By sitemanager in