Bernardo Center Dentistry

How veneers can be used as “instant orthodontics”

Cosmetic dentist San Diego

Many people have concerns about the alignment of their teeth. There may be small gaps between some of the teeth, or one or more teeth are slightly crooked, or the teeth are a little too small and are widely spaced apart. While orthodontics would be one option for correcting these issues, many people would prefer to avoid the expense and hassle of using braces or clear aligners for months or even years.

Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry can help. In the right situation, veneers can be used to address cosmetic challenges with the smile in just two dental visits.

What are veneers?

Veneers are very thin pieces of porcelain that are bonded to the front of teeth. They are color-matched to your natural teeth, so that they look very natural once they’re in place. Although some people choose to have veneers placed on all of the teeth that are visible, this isn’t always necessary; veneers are often placed on just a few teeth or even on just one tooth, depending on the needs of that particular smile.

Veneers are custom-created, and require two visits with Dr. Carpenter. At the first visit, he will take impressions and discuss your goals with you in order to allow him to prepare the veneers. Additionally, he may do some preparation of the surface of your teeth for receiving the veneers. At the second visit, Dr. Carpenter will check the fit and ensure that you’re happy with the final result. If so, then he will permanently bond the veneers into place. If anything isn’t quite right, he can make adjustments to the veneers until you’re happy with them.

What types of problems can be corrected with veneers?

Veneers are useful for correcting certain problems with the appearance of the smile. For example, it can disguise small gaps between teeth, or teeth that are too small and widely spaced. Teeth that are slightly to moderately crooked or misaligned can also be made to appear straight using veneers.

There are also certain issues that veneers can address that orthodontics actually can’t help with. These include chipped teeth, misshapen teeth, and teeth that are discolored or severely stained (and which have not benefited from whitening). People with concerns like these may want to consider veneers, whether or not they also have concerns about the alignment of their smile.

Can veneers always replace orthodontics?

It’s very important to recognize that veneers are not exactly a substitute for orthodontics. They don’t actually change the true alignment of the teeth, but instead alter only the appearance of the smile. If concerns about the smile’s appearance are the main issue, then veneers could be a good option. However, if other problems are arising because the teeth are not well-aligned (such as problems with the bite or the TMJ), then veneers may not be the best option; in these cases, orthodontic treatment may be needed to truly address the alignment of the teeth.

Are veneers right for you? Cosmetic dentist San Diego

To find out whether “instant orthodontics” with veneers would potentially be a good option for you, you’ll need an examination by a dental professional. If you’re in the San Diego area, we invite you to schedule a consultation appointment with Dr. Carpenter. As a prosthodontist (a dentist with specialized training in rehabilitating smiles with missing or damaged teeth), he’s widely recognized for his skill in restorative dentistry, and is sought out by those who want to restore their smile so that they can feel confident smiling again. If you’d like to schedule an appointment to learn more about veneers or any other cosmetic dentistry option, please contact our office.

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