Bernardo Center Dentistry

Improve Your Smile and Replace Missing Teeth in San Diego

You dread it when someone insists on taking a selfie with you. You go out of your way to be in the back row of any group photo. You avoid socializing because … well, because you are expected to smile and that’s the last thing you want to do because you have missing teeth.

As an adult, one or more missing teeth is a greater traumatic circumstance than the little girl who used to sing about wanting two front teeth for Christmas. And, no one knows more about how embarrassing or uncomfortable missing teeth are than Dr. Raymond Carpenter. He is a prosthodontist—a dentist that specializes in restoring missing or damaged teeth. Dr. Carpenter has more than three decades of experience in cosmetic dentistry. He has helped thousands of patients regain their smile and boost their self confidence.

What is the big deal if I have a gap from a missing tooth that no one can see?

Even if you are missing a tooth that wasn’t visible, such as toward the back of your mouth, it can turn into a potential dental nightmare. The teeth on either side of the gap can begin to shift which can lead to crooked teeth across that jawbone. Suddenly, what you thought was an invisible, nothing-to-worry-about issue becomes an oral health problem that needs attention.

How do missing teeth affect my overall well being?

Missing teeth don’t just impact the look of your teeth. They can cause your remaining teeth to shift position. That can cause you to develop problems with chewing food properly. Your speech can be affected and, if you have several missing teeth on the same side, the soft tissue of your mouth and cheek can shift, take on a sunken look, and make you appear older than you really are. Who wants that?

What are my options to replace missing teeth in San Diego?

When you come in for your consultation with Dr. Carpenter, he will perform a complete examination of your remaining teeth, gums, and jawline. X-rays and digital images will be taken to help make a proper assessment of your oral health. Dr. Carpenter’s goal is to restore your mouth to maximum dental function and give you back your beautiful smile. One way to accomplish that is with a custom-fit dental bridge to fill in the gap left by a missing tooth. If a decayed or damaged tooth or teeth are involved, Dr. Carpenter may recommend a dental crown that will blend in with your surrounding teeth.

For cases where several teeth are missing, dentures, whether partial, full, or implant-fixed, can be designed to precisely fit on top of your gums. Dr. Carpenter has also successfully replaced missing teeth and their roots with dental implants that are surgically inserted in the jawbone and then fitted with a bridge, crown, or permanent dentures.

If you have lost one or more teeth due to lack of good oral hygiene, an extraction, or from an injury, it is in your best interest to schedule a consultation and examination with Dr. Raymond Carpenter. Find out what course of treatment is best for keeping your remaining teeth healthy along with getting back that beautiful smile you so dearly miss. Just contact us online or call our friendly staff at Bernardo Center Dentistry at 858-487-2301.

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