Bernardo Center Dentistry

What are the differences between veneers and crowns?

San Diego cosmetic dentist

Cosmetic dentistry offers a variety of different options for improving the appearance of the smile. Both crowns and veneers are treatments that involve adding porcelain to the outside of the teeth. However, these are very different treatments with different goals. What’s the difference between veneers and crowns? How can you know which of these treatments is right for you?

Veneers are a cosmetic treatment

Veneers are thin sheets of porcelain that are placed on the visible surfaces of teeth. One or more veneers may be placed, depending on the situation. Porcelain has a translucent appearance, which very closely resembles that of natural tooth enamel.

Veneers are a cosmetic treatment; the intention is to change the appearance of the smile. For instance, veneers may be used to address chipped teeth, small gaps between teeth, teeth that are too small or are misshapen, discolored teeth (where whitening would not be effective), and teeth that are slightly to moderately crooked.

In some cases, veneers can be placed without the removal of any enamel from the tooth. In other cases, a small amount of enamel is removed from the front of the tooth to allow the veneers to be placed without looking “bulky.” The placement of veneers generally takes only two dental visits, and is not painful.

Crowns are a functional treatment

A crown is also made of porcelain. However, in contrast to a veneer, it’s placed all around a tooth, rather than only on the visible surfaces. Crowns are also thicker than veneers. This is because they’re intended to functionally support the tooth, rather than just change its appearance. More tooth structure must be removed for the placement of a crown than for veneers.

A crown is generally used to strengthen a tooth that has been structurally compromised in some way. For example, after a root canal, a crown is usually placed on the treated tooth. A tooth with a large crack may also be treated with a crown.

In the past, crowns were sometimes placed cosmetically (they were sometimes known as “caps”). In modern dentistry, however, this is not typically done, because dentists prefer to avoid removing a significant amount of tooth structure from a healthy tooth. Instead, veneers are used for cosmetic purposes, as they require much less alteration of the tooth’s natural enamel and will still get an excellent cosmetic result. Crowns are reserved for teeth that need structural support to remain viable.

San Diego cosmetic dentist

If you’re considering veneers or other cosmetic dentistry options, we invite you to schedule an appointment with Dr. Carpenter. With years of advanced training beyond dental school, he’s developed the exceptional technical skills necessary to get great results. To schedule your appointment, please contact our office.

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